Bad Neighborhood?

Don’t like the area where you’re living?

Neighborhoods are like living organisms — they change and adapt with time.

Unfortunately, they don’t always change for the better… sometimes they become less desirable.

At PineCone Properties, for instance, we’ve worked with a lot of homeowners who purchased a home in a great neighborhood… but then that area took a turn for the worst.

And then they feel stuck.

If something similar has happened to you, here’s what we recommend…

Report Crime Immediately — If you know of crime going on in your area, then call and report it. The more that crime gets dealt with in the neighborhood, the less crime there will be. This is a small way that you can help to clean up your area.

Introduce Yourself To Your Neighbors — It might seem counter-intuitive, but introducing yourself to your neighbors can help you realize that there are many other decent people around you. This can help improve your experience in the community.

Pick Up Litter — Why not make your community a little bit cleaner? Picking up trash when you see it is a small but important way to make your neighborhood more pleasant and desirable.

Sell Fast To a Professional Homebuyer — Maybe all of this sounds like too much work… or maybe your neighborhood is so far gone that there’s no saving it. If that’s the case, then you might consider selling to a professional homebuyer. At PineCone Properties, we can buy your home as-is for cash and close in as little as two weeks. Give us a call at (360)572-6669 to get your fair cash offer!

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